Sprint summary/impressions?

John Szakmeister john at szakmeister.net
Thu May 20 00:52:33 BST 2010

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:30 PM, Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> wrote:
> On 18 May 2010 21:28, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
>> 2Martin Poll: please, share the last document about changes in bzr model you
>> edited at google docs.
> http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AQ3S65cphSMHZGd4NWY0cHdfMTBkanRmbjljdg&hl=en_GB

Thanks for posting this.  It's nice to see some of the discussion that
took place.

I just wanted to provide a little bit of feedback.  I'm not a huge fan
of git's UI, but I really enjoy it's co-located branch model.  For
whatever reason, it just feels easy to switch between them and get
work done.  I, personally, don't consider it a negative that I have to
use a git command to see the available branches.  In fact, I see it as
a plus because it's often easier than using an system command as I'm
always way down in the source tree for some reason.  I'm pretty
certain I'd feel the same if co-located branches were in Bazaar.

That said, I've been using the lightweight checkout of treeless
branches lately in Bazaar, which kind of mimics co-located branches
from a user-standpoint.  I've been really enjoying it, and the fact
that 'bzr switch -b BRANCH_NAME' will create a new branch for me.  The
one sticking point I've run into though, is that whenever I'm on the
trunk branch, things behave differently because it's a lightweight
checkout of a bound branch.  I'd rather it based the switch command on
the location of the bound branch rather than the branch it's bound too
(I hope that makes sense).   The whole setup does just make me more
eager to have co-located branches though.

Hope you find the feedback useful.  Thanks again!


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