Bazaar dirstate locking (was: lock_* API change)

Eli Zaretskii eliz at
Tue May 18 10:09:47 BST 2010

> Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 20:30:19 +1200
> From: Robert Collins <robertc at>
> Cc: stephen at, bazaar at, monnier at, 
> 	kfogel at
> Upload bandwidth will also matter too, particularly when a repack
> occurs as part of a write (which happens every 10 insertions into a
> repository, on average).

But repacks should be visible in my .bzr.log, even when I commit,

> Anyhow, to answer your question; I'd expect something like the following:
> 1/2 sec to do ssh
> 3 or four roundtrips to find common ancestor
> 1 roundtrip + streaming - and we should be able to generate 3MB/sec -
> to download the new data

So you are saying that, with bzr+ssh, almost all the time is moving
new data through the wire, right?

And btw, what is that "new data"?  Apart of the history (which is
always in addition to what I already have), what about the text
changes? are they sent as an equivalent of diffs, or are the modified
files sent in their entirety?  (If this information is already
available somewhere, just point me there.)


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