Bazaar dirstate locking (was: lock_* API change)

Eli Zaretskii eliz at
Sat May 15 09:52:58 BST 2010

> From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at>
> Cc: Robert Collins <robertc at>,
>     bazaar at,
>     monnier at
> Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 16:06:37 +0900
> Eli Zaretskii writes:
> Bazaar is a *distributed* VCS.  It is a database designed for
> concurrent operation, with database operations conducted locally on
> ACID, then propagated as completed transactions to other nodes of the
> database.  If you insist on operating on incomplete transactions
> across the net, you're going to pay for the privilege.

??? I do use Bazaar as a dVCS.  But from time to time, I do need to
commit a changeset to the master repository, in order for it to be
"propagated as completed transactions to other nodes of the database".
And that is when I see the problems I described.

Am I missing something?

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