Clarification on some jargon...

John Szakmeister john at
Tue May 11 12:26:18 BST 2010

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 6:43 AM, Parth Malwankar
<parth.malwankar at> wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 3:37 PM, John Szakmeister <john at> wrote:
>> I'm trying to write some documentation for our folks at work (and
>> create a small class to help introduce them to Bazaar).  I've run into
>> a conundrum though: what does 'bzr init' produce?
> Hi John,
> As I understand it, 'repository' refers to the '.bzr' folder found inside
> bzr branches. Now, the repository may be shared (created with init-repo).
> 'bzr init' creates a branch i.e. a directory which may have a working tree.
> A working tree / working copy is files within the branch directory. If the
> branch is created (with init) inside a shared repo, the revisions are added
> to the shared .bzr. In the branch is created outside of any shared repo,
> the branch contains its own repo (.bzr)
> to which newer revisions are added.

I should have clarified that I'm familiar with the terms and how
shared repos versus standalone branches work.  But I am confused by
how the init command refers to a "tree" instead of a "branch."  It
used "standalone tree" and "repository tree" instead of "standalone
branch" and "repository branch."  Is that just an oversight?  Or was
referring to them that way intentional?

Actually, it does seem intentional.  Trying this a different way:

:: bzr init foobar
Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)
:: cd foobar/
:: bzr reconfigure --branch
:: bzr info .
Standalone branch (format: 2a)
  branch root: .

And with a shared repo:

:: bzr init-repo --no-trees shared
Shared repository (format: 2a)
  shared repository: shared
:: cd shared
:: bzr init foobar
Created a repository branch (format: 2a)
Using shared repository: <snipped>/shared/

So, it appears that "standalone tree" means a standalone branch with a
working tree, while a "standalone branch" has no working tree.  Same
for repository tree and branch.  I think that answers my question,
albeit a little confusing. :-)

> The is a glossary[1] outside of core docs that may be helpful. I believe
> there is an open bug to roll this into the docs.
> Regards,
> Parth
> [1]

Thanks for the link to glossary!  I've bookmarked for my future jargon
questions. :-)


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