Clarification on some jargon...

John Szakmeister john at
Tue May 11 11:07:49 BST 2010

I'm trying to write some documentation for our folks at work (and
create a small class to help introduce them to Bazaar).  I've run into
a conundrum though: what does 'bzr init' produce?

It's tough because the answer depends on whether you are using shared
repositories or not.  But the output of 'bzr init' doesn't quite help
either.  Looking at 'bzr help init', it tells me we're creating a
versioned branch.  'bzr init foobar' (without a shared repo) tells me
it created a standalone tree.  'bzr init foobar' tells me it created a
repository tree.  Those last two are a bit confusing to me, because it
seems to be talking about the working tree which is independent of
whether you are using a shared repo or not.

:: bzr help init
Purpose: Make a directory into a versioned branch.
Usage:   bzr init [LOCATION]

:: bzr init foobar
Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)

:: bzr init-repo shared
Shared repository with trees (format: 2a)
  shared repository: shared
:: cd shared/
:: bzr init foobar
Created a repository tree (format: 2a)
Using shared repository: /Users/jszakmeister/projects/foobar/shared/

"Branch" seems like the most appropriate term, but I can see why you
avoided it (a "shared branch" conveys a different meaning than a
branch in a shared repository).

How would the gurus refer to the result of 'bzr init'?



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