bzr dpush and large network transfers with multiple commits

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sat May 1 23:33:50 BST 2010

Hash: SHA1

Gary Wilson Jr. wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 11:36 -0500, Gary Wilson Jr. wrote:
>>> If I dpush after having made a single commit, all seems fine and
>>> network traffic is small.  However, if I perform more than one commit
>>> in my local branch and then attempt to dpush, I consistently see
>>> extremely large amounts of data transferred even for very small
>>> changes.  For example, I just tried dpush'ing two commits of about 10
>>> lines total and ended up with 318MB transfered.  Here's the tail end
>>> of that log:
>> Please run with the -Dtransport argument, it's hard to say anything
>> sensible from just this log.
> Sure thing, here you are:

> 83.644  svn reparent
> 83.644  svn update -r774
> 83.788  svn update -r775
> 83.928  Packing repository
> GCRepositoryPackCollection(CHKInventoryRepository('file:///home/user/bzr/proj/.bzr/repository/')),
> which has 16 pack files, containing 927 revisions with hint
> ['e21eab6d493af809bae8181ffc4f55d6'].
> 83.928  repacking 2 revisions
> 83.930  repacking 2 inventories
> 83.932  repacking chk: 2 id_to_entry roots, 1 p_id_map roots, 4 total keys
> 83.938  repacking 2 texts
> 83.940  repacking 0 signatures
> [18943] 2010-05-01 17:05:11.034 INFO: Pushed up to revision 769.
> 84.719  Transferred: 317812KiB (3767.4K/s r:0K w:0K u:317812K)
> 84.719  return code 0
> Thanks,
> Gary

This seems pretty strange. It at least looks like it thinks it is
repacking 2 revisions, which should be very small. But somehow we end up
with 318MB transferred.

However if you notice:
3.969  svn get-repos-root
4.027  svn switch -r774  ->
4.235  unsupported file property 'svn:mergeinfo'
18.653  unsupported file property 'svn:mergeinfo'
81.800  unsupported file property 'svn:mergeinfo'
[snip, many "open dir" lines here]
83.551  svn log -r775:774 [''] (limit: 0)
83.644  svn reparent

^- The time from "unsupported file property" was 60s+, while the
repacking was 83.928-83.940, which is only .010s. So I'm quite certain
that the repacking isn't to blame.

Somehing between that "svn switch" to that "svn log" is costing a *lot*
of bandwidth.

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