Accessing configuration when hosting via smart server...

Roland Mas lolando at
Thu Apr 8 16:49:36 BST 2010

John Szakmeister, 2010-04-08 11:35:11 -0400 :

> Thanks for the reply Roland.  I looked at bzr-hookless-email, but
> we're already in an environment where we get email moments after
> commit... and folks tend to like that.  I'd rather not move away from
> that.  I could turn up the cycle on the cron job, but I'm not thrilled
> about that solution either.

  Just for the record: bzr-hookless-email uses inotify, so the commits
trigger it instantly, and there's no need for a cron job.

  (Your other points stand, though).

Roland Mas

Certains disent que les vrais hommes ne font pas de backups.
Mais ils disent aussi que même les vrais hommes pleurent parfois.

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