Accessing configuration when hosting via smart server...

John Szakmeister john at
Thu Apr 8 16:35:11 BST 2010

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 5:25 AM, Roland Mas <lolando at> wrote:
> There is bzr-hookless-email, which runs as a daemon outside of the
> chroot and uses the real path.  If you want to use it, I suggest
> branching rather
> than lp:bzr-hookless-email, as my branch contains a rather important
> bugfix in recursive mode.  I sent a merge request, but it doesn't
> seem to have been committed “upstream”.

Thanks for the reply Roland.  I looked at bzr-hookless-email, but
we're already in an environment where we get email moments after
commit... and folks tend to like that.  I'd rather not move away from
that.  I could turn up the cycle on the cron job, but I'm not thrilled
about that solution either.  More importantly, is that this feels like
a bit of an issue with regards to plugins, configuration, and
soft-chroots.  I think they should all play together nicely, and it's
unfortunate that they don't.

I hope your patch makes it back upstream!  Thanks again for replying!


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