Bazaar Presentation.

Eric Berry elberry at
Fri Mar 26 22:31:57 GMT 2010

Thanks again to all for the advice and pointers.

I've removed the commands comparison. and added another slide regarding
work-flows that is intended to show the freedom a DVCS provides.

I've also included some more info on features, and how a DVCS can make
merging simpler.

I'm considering doing a small demonstration of Bazaar Explorer at the end,
to show at least the log viewer, and diff views.

If there are any other pointers, or advice anyone can give me, it's still
welcomed. I will probably be giving this presentation late next week, or
early the following week.

Cheers, and thanks again,

Learn from the past. Live in the present. Plan for the future.
jEdit <> - Programmer's Text Editor
Bazaar <> - Version Control for Humans
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