Bazaar Presentation.

John Szakmeister john at
Fri Mar 26 20:53:41 GMT 2010

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Eric Berry <elberry at> wrote:
> Thanks for explaining this. It is a good point, and I will update the
> presentation to state that the process shown is the simplest method of
> migrating a single bzr branch, or Git clone, and that it doesn't migrate
> hooks or server-side plugins. I added some extra notes about migrating a bzr
> repository, but it should be more strongly noted. As for taring up the SVN
> repo, I thought this was discouraged, especially when moving to a different
> file system. My understanding is that the svnadmin/dump process is the
> preferred and recommended method of migration. Which still makes my point
> valid. Migrating a SVN repo the recommended way is still way more
> complicated than migrating a Bazaar repo. In my experience, the more steps
> there are to a procedure, the easier it is to forget one. :)

It was discouraged when BDB was the only backend.  But FSFS changed
all of that.  FSFS is platform agnostic, unlike BDB. :-)

> I do. One thing that I think the presentation is missing is at least one
> slide on this very subject. I covered merging a little bit when I explained
> how bzr has made my life easier at work, but I can certainly include some of
> these other ones. Renames are a true benefit, but unfortunately, you only
> really gain this benefit when it's hosted by bzr. Renames in bzr, still come
> across as a delete and add when committed to a SVN repo (understandably so).
> But it's still a great feature to bring up.

Ah, are using this against a Subversion backend?  I wish renames
tracked better that way too.

> The logs are also a nice feature. I've often shown-off BazaarExplorer to my
> co-workers, and the log viewer always raises some Ooohs, and Ahhhs. :)

It is pretty. :-)

> Are there any others you can think of that would be worth showing?

Yes, actually.  'bzr shelve' is pretty awesome.  I've got a couple
people using Bazaar for no other reason than to have 'bzr shelve'.

> I completely agree. Popular tools exist because they help their users. If
> SVN didn't serve a purpose, it wouldn't exist, or at least, it wouldn't have
> survived and become as popular as it has. SVN has served us very well up
> until this point, and it's because of some recent developments with a larger
> and more distributed team that it's just now starting to "fail". We are
> certainly making due with SVN, but moving to a DVCS, would make our lives
> easier, and it's my opinion that Bazaar is the right DVCS for our needs.
> This is primarily due to Bazaar's flexibility, it would allow us to work the
> way we want, team to team. Each team can make use of a different work flow,
> or combination of workflows to fit their needs.
> This is something Bazaar does well I think. It's ability to work the way we
> want to work is really (in my opinion) what sets it apart from the others.

Right on. :-)  Thanks for sharing your presentation!


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