bzr 2.2b1 freeze today!

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Mar 26 00:48:27 GMT 2010


I'm planning to freeze bzr 2.2b1 today (meaning about 4-5h from now).
I'm not aware of any critical issues that should block it.  I believe
Ian will be able to do the Windows installer builds using his new
critically-acclaimed scripts.

The version-upgrade warnings raised by Russel are a bit of a bump that
we should address, but I don't think we should block 2.2b1 on them.

I will also announce 2.0.5 and 2.1.1.

It would be nice to get all of these into the PPA.  johnf, please feel
free to ask others to help with that if you're too busy.  At some
point we probably should go to separate 2.0, 2.1 and beta (~bzr) ppas.

Martin <>

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