Questions about the results of conversion using svn-import

Matt Doran matt.doran at
Sun Mar 21 06:28:49 GMT 2010

Hi there,

I'm new to bzr.  I'm experimenting with converting our subversion repo 
to bzr, and I used the bzr-svn svn-import command. I pointed it at the 
directory above our trunk/branches/tags directory and it appears to have 
done a very good job.    The result is a shared repository with a number 
of treeless branches, as follows:




My plan is to get rid of svn completely so I'd like to sever the ties to 
the svn branches and have as "native" bzr setup as possible.   I noticed 
that each of the branches has the parent branch set to the local file 
location of the svn repository files I used for the conversion (I 
grabbed a local copy of the svn repo to speed up the conversion).  As an 
example of the output of "bzr info" for one of the branches I get 
something like this:

    Repository branch (format: 2a)
       shared repository: /tmp/test-bzr-repo
       repository branch: .

    Related branches:
       parent branch: /tmp/svnrepo/projects/projectname/trunk

It doesn't make much sense for this to continue to point to an svn repo, 
let alone my local copy of the svn repo.   How do I go about severing 
the tie with the svn repo?   Does it make sense to change this to point 
to the new bzr trunk for the branches?

I'm also curious about what makes up these branches.  All the 
revisions/data for the branches are stored in the shared repo, but is 
there a way to discover/list the branches that exist within the repo 
itself.  Or is the data stored in the branch directories important in 
retrieving the appropriate data out of the repo?    Hmmmm... I don't 
know if I've explained that well .... put another way ... if I delete a 
branch directory, is there anyway to recover the branch from the data 
stored in the repository alone?

PS: The first step of converting our repo was really painless... I'm 
looking forward to the rest that bzr has to offer.  The documentation in 
the area of conversion does seem a bit non-existent and/or disjointed 
and/or hard-to-find.  Then again ... maybe there's not that much to know. :)

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