Newbie documentation: Bazaar Merge?

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Fri Mar 19 15:00:48 GMT 2010

On 19/03/2010 11:15, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> Tutorial is something you need when you are utterly confused and don't
> know where to start.  Having to read a tutorial that's full of
> irrelevant nonsense, even if it's superbly funny, is running a high
> risk of annoying someone who just wants to be helped in the most
> efficient way.

I haven't read it yet, I suppose the URL given by Ben (<>) is the one of 
the document.

Perhaps such funny, light document doesn't belong to Bazaar official corpus, but I believe 
one shouldn't refrain from writing it!

I appreciate the clarity of Bazaar's docs, but sometime I found it a bit dry. Some levity 
in an unofficial introductory text (perhaps linked from the official site...) might be 
I know I enjoy such funny tutorials when I meet them: I know the word number to useful 
information ratio is lower than in other technical docs, but they are often more edible. 
They might not please everybody (concept of humor differs with cultures and individuals) 
but more serious docs are still there, nobody is forced to learn through them.
And since repetition is mother of learning, having similar information repeated in a 
different way can help in assimilating the ideas. One can read a more serious/informative 
tutorial or reference later, they would be complementary.

Just my €0.02, of course.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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