About single user setup for lightweights

Martin Geisler mg at lazybytes.net
Fri Mar 19 09:53:55 GMT 2010

Avery Pennarun <apenwarr at gmail.com> writes:

> git sucks at handling large binary files (>50 megs or so) unless you
> have boatloads of RAM. If your binary files are moderately sized (a
> few megs) then it'll probably be reasonably efficient. I don't know
> about hg and bzr for memory usage.

Mercurial also uses lots of RAM, way more than I had hoped. I did some
tests with this recently:


They show a factor 3-6 blowup when working with a 256 MB file.

We don't really recommend storing such large files in Mercurial. Instead
we recommend storing the files outside of the tree, e.g., on a server
with a huge disk. The bfiles extension can do this:


Martin Geisler

Fast and powerful revision control: http://mercurial.selenic.com/
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