bzr-svn and gnome-keyring...

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Mar 18 01:37:06 GMT 2010

On 18 March 2010 04:52, John Szakmeister <john at> wrote:
> I thought I saw an email earlier where someone had a similar problem,
> but I can't seem to find it.  In Subversion, I've told it to store my
> password using gnome-keyring.  Using the svn command line client, it
> all works fine.  If, I try to create a local branch with bzr-svn, I
> get a password prompt.  Is there some reason that it's not falling
> back to svn's credential store?  I thought this was an issue last
> year, but it had been resolved (it certainly seems to work if I let it
> store the password in plaintext on the disk).  Thoughts?
> Also, I can't seem to find this anywhere either, but can bzr use
> gnome-keyring directly?  I got things working with bzr-keychain, but I
> do have to use Linux quite frequently as well.

Apparently bzr-gtk can get passwords from gnome-keyring.  I'm not sure
exactly when this is active and it's not described in the keyring
readme (but it may be elsewhere.)  (I use ssh keys and rarely use

Martin <>

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