Creating branches via bzr+http?

John Szakmeister john at
Wed Mar 10 20:04:24 GMT 2010

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Joke de Buhr <joke at> wrote:
> Are you sure your webserver has write permissions beneath the base directory
> serving your branches?


> Creating branches via bzr+http(s) works fine with my setup but I'm currently
> using loggerhead to serve bzr+http(s) requests.
> both work fine:
> bzr push bzr+

This one doesn't work for me...

> bzr push bzr+

This one does though.  Do you have a shared repo at the top level?  I
wonder if Loggerhead is doing something special in that case.  I'll
have to check.

Thanks anyways!


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