Overriding commands in plugins

Michael Gliwinski Michael.Gliwinski at henderson-group.com
Tue Mar 9 08:56:17 GMT 2010

On Tuesday 09 Mar 2010 06:42:45 Martin Pool wrote:
> On 9 March 2010 04:06, Gary van der Merwe <garyvdm at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 08/03/2010 17:18, Michael Gliwinski wrote:
> >> What is the best/proper/right/working way to override some functionality
> >> of a command in a plugin?
> >
> > I looked into this in detail when trying to solve the incompatibility
> > between qbzr and bzr-pipeline which were both trying to modify the merge
> > command. I came to the conclusion that it's not possible to do cleanly
> > with how bzr currently is. I started making changes to bzr to make this
> > possible[1], but ran out of motivation, and qbzr ended up losing some
> > functionality (merge --qpreview)
> >
> > [1]:
> > https://code.launchpad.net/~garyvdm/bzr/register_lazy_decorated/+merge/84
> >30
> The easiest way is to override the plugin altogether and super-call it.

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

> The best way is to (ask for help to) change the command so that it can
> more easily be extended in different directions; this is the only
> feasible way to accommodate different plugins all wanting to enhance
> eg the merge command.

Yes, I agree, e.g. callbacks at certain points of the operation would make 
things simple.  I believe bzrlib uses hooks for this kind of extensibility at 
lower levels (than commands), are you thinking of similar/same infrastructure 
for commands as well?

Also, there is the other use case (apart from extending a command) of 
replacing functionality depending on certain conditions, that's what e.g. loom 
does with switch command.

> In your  example of printing a message before switching, we might add
> a hook run before switching the working tree, or perhaps we should
> make it always send a notification to the ui and you can tweak how
> that is displayed.  Was that actually what you wanted or is there a
> more real example?

Yeah, that was just an example, but in reality it's not far from what I'm 
trying to accomplish.  Basically I need to run some code before the operation 
and depending on some conditions be able to abort it.

My use case now is to have switch warn interactively if there are uncommited 
changes/unknown files.  I know it is perfectly valid for switch to just 
propagate these as it does now, but I have a lot of users here (most quite new 
to using VCS at all) who get bitten by this quite often (e.g. forgetting to 
run status often and after a couple of switches ending up with conflicts in 
conflict files, etc.).

I noticed the command hooks yesterday, from what I understand they are 
actually run when the command object is created, yes?  Would that be valid to 
wrap the run method in a hook?

Michael Gliwinski
Henderson Group Information Services
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