Bazaar still below the radar when evaluating VCS tools

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Fri Feb 26 09:13:51 GMT 2010

Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at> writes:

> "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:
>> Andrew Bennetts writes:
>>  > I'm going to guess though: I think Stephen might be saying that none of
>>  > the systems automatically capture a 'mv foo bar' done in their working
>>  > trees, when ideally they would.
>> Precisely.
> In that case, I disagree :-) It's not necessarily the case that the VCS
> should automatically pick up on that, and I prefer that it not
> guess.

But almost all VCS do "guess" changes within files. The output of "bzr
diff" is just a guess, it does not necessarily match your intention
when you did the changes. As a proof that it's a guess, bzr did change
its diff algorithm in the past to use patience diff, which should
match the programmer's intention in more cases.

Version-control systems recording in-file changes as they happen
exist, an example is MS-Word.

The philosophy behind Git's management of renames is just to use a
heuristic not only for in-file changes, but also for changes accross

No solution is perfect, but I never had to complain about Git's
management of renames. And by experience, most complain about Git's
rename management come frome people who never actually tried it.

Matthieu Moy

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