Bazaar still below the radar when evaluating VCS tools

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Mon Feb 22 03:56:02 GMT 2010 explained something I have been trying to describe myself.
LP (like sourceforge and googlecode) feels very provincial (maybe
wrong word) and project-y.  Github feels incredibly friendly and
intuitive -- perhaps a counter-reaction to git having a reputation for
being hard to use.  Of course there is nothing stopping someone with a
little free time from dping for bzr what github has done for git.  In
fact I suspect we will see that soon!


On 2/21/10, Ali Sabil <ali.sabil at> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Gordon Tyler <gordon at> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 2/21/2010 6:08 AM, Ali Sabil wrote:
>>> You can add that we need something like github or bitbucket for bzr.
>> Why doesn't launchpad fulfill that requirement?
> Because launchpad is too powerful :) it is also project centric,
> whereas github and bitbucket are user centric. Building something like
> github or bitbucket for bzr could still use launchpad as its backend,
> it would be just a social interface to launchpad.

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