Bazaar login on local launchpad...

Max Bowsher maxb at
Fri Feb 19 21:40:35 GMT 2010

On 19/02/10 20:22, Emilio Pombo wrote:
>     On 18 February 2010 09:26, <>
>     < <> <>>
>     wrote:
>      >
>      > Hi, I'm using bzr on Ubuntu 9.04 with a local launchpad
>     development branch
>      > [].
>      >
>      > I'm trying to do a 'bzr lp-login <User-id>', but instead of a web
>     user, I
>      > want to login as a local user (i.e. the default canonical user
>     that comes
>      > with admin at <mailto:admin at> /
>     test, User-id: 'name16'), so I get this
>      > error:
>      >
>      > bzr: ERROR: The user name name16 is not registered on Launchpad.
>      >
>      > Obviously it's going to check-out user on the internet at
> <>
>      > (, easy to watch sniffing packages on wireshark). I
>     want to
>      > know if there is any command variation on bazaar launchpad
>     plug-in, to login
>      > locally?
>      >
>      > i.e: on my local server on Ubuntu, you see instructions to push file
>      > locally: "bzr push lp://dev/~name16/inconcert/Trunk", but I don't see
>      > anywhere the first steps to login :(
>      >
>      > Thanks a lot, I will appreciate any comments or help on this topic!

IIRC, the recommended technique is to `bzr launchpad-login` to the REAL, and create a user with the same username in your environment. The script utilities/make-lp-user within the 
Launchpad source tree can help you here.


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