What to do with sha1 mismatches?

Roland Mas lolando at debian.org
Fri Feb 19 20:21:03 GMT 2010

  Hi all,

  I've just run bzr check on a repository of mine, and it reports a
handful of sha1 mismatches (14 in total, spread across 4 revisions).
The inline help and the manual don't tell me much about them, including
what to do with them.  Should I worry about them?  Are they harmless
messages?  Should they go away with a bzr reconcile (which I'm reluctant
to do until advised by bzr check or a bzr developer :-) ?

  The repo itself is rather old, and it has a fair amount of history
(~8900 revisions in total), most of it being on a few branches bound to
an SVN repository.  I'm currently running bzr 2.1 from Debian unstable,
but I've worked on that repository with older versions of bzr,

  Thanks for any answer,

Roland Mas

Depuis 1977.

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