Bazaar 2.1.0 has gone gold

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Feb 17 16:10:56 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:
>>> Given 2.1 has gone gold, I guess it's too later to put a "What's New in
>>> Bazaar 2.1" document into the 2.1 branch itself. :-) If we agree to put
>>> the effort into writing such a document, putting the 2.1 one into trunk
>>> (initially) is fine IMO. As long as it exists *somewhere*, we can
>>> reference it (and the Explorer one please :-) ) in the final 2.1
>>> announcement.
>> I think we should have a single summary section under the main
>> release, describing what's new since the previous major release.
> It can be a section inside the existing Release Notes, sure. I think it
> needs to be on a page to itself though as it's the page that people will
> want to print and read. Perhaps the changes between the last RC and the
> final .0 release is so small that we could just reuse that section.
>>> Thoughts? A volunteer to write a first draft?
>> You? ;-)
> I was hoping for someone else. :-) If no-one gives it a go overnight,
> I'll put something together in the morning.
> Ian C.

This is what I wrote:

This release marks our second long-term-stable series. The Bazaar team
has decided that we will continue to make bugfix-only 2.0.x and 2.1.x
releases, along with 2.2 development releases.

This is a fairly incremental update, focusing on polish and bugfixing.
There are no changes for supported disk formats. Key updates include
reduced memory consumption for many operations, a new per-file merge
hook, ignore patterns can now include '!' to exclude files, globbing
support for all commands on Windows, and support for addressing home
directories via ``bzr+ssh://host/~/`` syntax.

Users are encouraged to upgrade from the 2.0 stable series.

It is my summary blurb for the 2.1 release. If you don't want to include
the ~100 bugfixes, then I don't know that there is a lot more to say.
You certainly can go into details about the individual features, but
your whole point was that you wanted a summary of the primary
differences between 2.1.0 and 2.0(.4).

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