bzr log shows negative revision numbers

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Tue Feb 16 17:22:14 GMT 2010

I submitted a bug for this:


John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Nicholas Allen wrote:
> > Hi,
> > We have a branch where the revision numbers go into negative numbers.
> > qlog does not show them as negative numbers only bzr log on the command
> > line does.
> > How can a branch have negative revision numbers? This must be a bug
> right?
> > Nick
> This would happen if the branch's cached revno is incorrect.
> You can fix it with 'bzr reconcile', but IIRC there isn't a way to just
> reconcile the branch without having it try to reconcile the repository.
> I think we do the branch first, though, so after it says branch revno
> fixed, you can probably stop the reconcile process.
> The other option is that I think "bzr pull" (when actually updating the
> branch tip) will fix the number.
> John
> =:->

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