[RFI] Annotations cache & progressive display of annotations

John Szakmeister john at szakmeister.net
Mon Feb 15 08:53:29 GMT 2010

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:13 AM, Ian Clatworthy
<ian.clatworthy at canonical.com> wrote:
> I'd also like to hear from end users who use annotate frequently. How
> often are you using the GUI vs command-line to view annotations? Any
> thoughts on "lazy-loading" of the data into the GUI so we can begin
> showing some annotations immediately?

I seem to use annotate *all the time*.  Primarily because I'm helping
with a code base that wasn't mine to begin with, so I'm trying to
understand why a particular line came into existence or why it was
changed.  As for GUI vs command line... I find that I use both rather
frequently.  I use the GUI more, but in the thick of it, I often just
use the command line version.



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