Updating the beta ppa.

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Tue Feb 9 18:29:06 GMT 2010

On 10 February 2010 05:04, Gary van der Merwe <garyvdm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> The beta ppa was looking sorrily out of date, so I dived in, and had a go
> updating it.
> I've updated the following packages:
> bzr
> bzrtools
> Notes:
> * There were no package branches for lucid, so I created them.
> * The package branches don't allow for a combination of stable and beta.
> * The package branches didnot have recent changes in them. E.g. the section
> had been changed from 'Devel' to 'Vcs' but this was not in the branch. I've
> update this, but I'm also missing changelog entries (which I guess is not to
> serious for a ppa.)

That's great, thanks so much for doing this.

Do you know the plugin packages in there will work with 2.1.0rc2?

I think probably at this point we should be getting rc2 into ~bzr
(because it's now going into Ubuntu and Debian) and putting 2.2b1 into

> I hope that I've got this all right (there is no review for ppa's.) Please
> let me know.

That's true, but there's also no reason why we can't put the PPA code
into packaging branches and do reviews against it there.  Perhaps that
would be good actually, by making people more confident to make
changes and making it more visible.

Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>

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