bazaar explorer on windows

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue Feb 9 16:05:52 GMT 2010

> Hi Patrick,
> Thank you very much.
> That way is very helpful to view before revisions.
> Is there any way to open old revisioned complete project (for example revision 
> 3) to a temporary folder to work on it? Then I will close that old project and 
> then continue with current version.
> I need to edit old revisioned project without loosing my current revision.

Sure, for this you need to create new branch from desired revision.

In Bazaar Explorer use in main menu: Bazaar -> Start -> Branch,
select valid "To:" location for new branch (new copy of your project) 
and type in revision number in "Revision:" line edit control.

Then you can open your new branch in Explorer and work with any copy of 
your project as you need.

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