'bzr explore' unexpectedly throwing MS Visual C++ runtime error at startup

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Thu Feb 4 10:01:35 GMT 2010

Simon Kersey wrote:
> Don't know what the bug is but I deleted explorer.conf from 'C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\bazaar\2.0\explorer' and Explorer
> started ok.
> The problem is caused by saving your preferences.

Or more precisely, loading preferences that have been saved.

Qt claims you can store lists of strings in your preferences and it will
magically save and restore them. It looks like it's lying, at least for
whatever version of Qt you're running.

Next time you change a preference, the problem will reappear. :-(
Instead of deleting explorer.conf, comment out the preferences that look
 weird (most likely clothes-to-wear and/or bags-to-blacklist) and try
starting Explorer again. If that fixes the problem, email me with the
details of the problematic preference(s) please.

I'll take a look ASAP. I can easily ignore preferences that don't load
correctly. I'd prefer to ensure they do save/load correctly though.

Ian C.

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