Bazaar Explorer 1.0beta ready for testing

A. S. Budden abudden at
Wed Feb 3 18:16:49 GMT 2010

On 3 February 2010 16:36, Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
> I'm planning to release explorer 1.0beta around my Friday morning,
> around 36 hours from now. This version will be bundled with bzr 2.1.0 so
> I'd like to ensure the quality is as least as good as previous releases.
> There's are a *heap* of nice new features so please grab rev 401, read
> NEWS and test furiously!

I take it there's no chance of either of my outstanding merge requests
making it?  I'm dreaming of the day when my department can use an
unpatched Bazaar Explorer...

If you've only got time for one, my strong preference would be this
one (it's only little!):



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