bzr serve and access control?

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Tue Feb 2 12:05:49 GMT 2010

Josef Wolf <jw at> writes:

> 1. Create user accounts and rely on filesystem access control. This
> way you end up with having lots of user accounts, which you might not
> want to have, since it is a server. In addition, managing user groups
> become a pain very quickly.

This is the option that would be most natural, AFAICT. I don't
understand the connection between “it is a server” and “you might not
want [user accounts for users]”. It sounds very much like you *do* want
user accounts.

> 2. Create one account per repository and use authorized_keys to give
> permission to users. No way to give read-only access this way. In
> addition, it is not possible to give users possibility to create new
> repositories on the fly by themselves.

All true. It's a trade-off: you lose all the flexibility of proper user
accounts, while gaining the simplicity of avoiding user accounts.

> 3. Use bzr_access (or a similar method).

I don't know anything about this option.

 \             “To label any subject unsuitable for comedy is to admit |
  `\                                           defeat.” —Peter Sellers |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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