bzr serve and access control?

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Fri Jan 29 04:40:36 GMT 2010

Andrew Cowie <andrew at> writes:

> Usually people are trying to get permissions per project all in a
> single repo, that sort of thing.

I don't understand why you say that. Perhaps because, in Bazaar, a
repository is generally only for one project; there's no point having a
repository containing branches that aren't going to share revision data.

> Hard to do that with Unix user permissions. You *can* do it with Unix
> groups, provided you set sticky group and do one repo per project
> (which is entirely reasonable).

To my understanding, the common Bazaar wisdom is that branches which
will share revision data are best considered as a project, and should
have their own repository distinct from other repositories.

 \           “Let others praise ancient times; I am glad I was born in |
  `\                                      these.” —Ovid (43 BCE–18 CE) |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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