bzr serve and access control?

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Fri Jan 29 01:58:32 GMT 2010

Josef Wolf <jw at> writes:

> Thanks for your quick response, Ben!
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:28:46AM +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
> > Could you be more specific about what control you want?
> I want to set up a server with multiple remote repositories and have
> fine grained control who can read or write which repositories without
> creating real users on the server.

But that sounds like exactly what real users on the server would be
useful for: allowing you to assign filesystem permissions to the
appropriate users.

Why do you not want to use the OS facilities for this? Or perhaps
another way: What is it you want to do that prevents you from using the
OS facilities for this?

> AFAICS, write access is possible only via sftp and bzr+ssh protocols.
> Since filesystem access is used here, I would have to create a login
> on the server for every user with access to any repository.

Yes, that follows.

> > But it sounds like you want control over something else.
> Not at all. I just want to have it more fine-grained than filesystem
> controls

That meets my understanding of “something else” :-)

 \           “I do not believe in forgiveness as it is preached by the |
  `\        church. We do not need the forgiveness of God, but of each |
_o__)                    other and of ourselves.” —Robert G. Ingersoll |
Ben Finney

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