Bazaar Explorer 0.11.0 now tagged

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Fri Jan 22 17:45:11 GMT 2010

Explorer 0.11.0 should now be ok to bundle with the batch of rc1
installers being built in coming days. I didn't get everything I wanted
in (so this isn't 1.0beta quite yet) but I have got workspace
model-based initialisation working reasonably well tonight, including
custom parameters per model and initial "Colocated branches" support.

The plan from here is:

* let plugins add tools (to the toolbox, context menus and maybe
  toolbars) and call it 1.0beta
* fix as many bugs as time permits and call it 1.0
* write some user doc
* cure cancer
* solve world peace
* eliminate poverty.

Or something like that. Here are the highlights from the 0.11 release
notes ...

New features:

* The Working Tree browser is now more intelligent with state-based
  filtering and popup menus available. Only the versioned items are
  displayed by default now, though it's easy to switch the filtering
  to show all items, changed items, ignored items or unversioned items.
  The popup menus provide fast access to many features including
  annotations, per-file log, per-file diff, add, revert, rename and
  remove. A preference is provided for users who prefer the old browser.

* Numerous improvements have made to the set of workspace models

  * The 'Shared tree' model has been replaced with a checkbox parameter
    on the 'Feature branches' model.

  * The 'Shared repository with treeless branches' model has been
    replaced with a checkbox parameter on the 'Shared repository' model.

  * The 'Colocated branches' model has been added. The embedded
    shared repository may be placed either in ``.bzrbranches`` or

  * Plugins can add their own workspace models, including custom

* When experimental mode is enabled by the ``--experimental`` option,
  the location selector groups objects in the same repository together
  and automatically opens a repository browser if one is not already
  opened. (This may become the default location selector in the future.)

Ian C.

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