branching from Launchpad behind a proxy

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu Jan 21 10:00:33 GMT 2010

>>>>> Tim Michelsen <timmichelsen at> writes:


    > bzr xmlrpc client doesn't use http proxy, causing network errors trying to
    > resolve lp: urls

As this URL mentions, this is fixed in 2.1.0b2, previous versions
of bzr didn't include the fix.

The bug was that xmlrpc *python* library had to be used in a
specific way to handle proxies.

If you use a previous version, try upgrading. If you don't, file
a new bug with details about your proxy settings and the relevant
part of your .bzr.log after issuing a failing command where you
will specify -Dhttp (and even -Derror) so we get the needed
details to make a diagnosis.

  bzr branch -Dhttp -Derror info lp:bzr
  bzr branch -Dhhtp -Derror info

Make sure to replace your password with xxx if it appears. Be
aware that Authorization HTTP headers may also contain your
password slightly encrypted, you can replace the encrypted string
by xxx there.

But don't modify anything else, as mentioned in, setting a
proxy can go wrong very easily, if you don't tell us *exactly*
what you used, we can't understand what is going wrong for you.

A proxy can be set under Unix with:

 export HTTP_PROXY=
 export HTTP_PROXY=

On windows you need to replace export by set:


    > Error while using "bzr branch" through proxy

Fixed in 0.15.

    > no able to branch from launchpad behind proxy (squid)

This is a duplicate of #186920, same comments apply.

    > how to branch from launchpad behind squid?

I answered you there asking for details, can you provide them so
we can find a solution to your problem ?

    > For comparison, in TortoiseSVN, I just edit the 
    > corresponding setting and it works.

Example ?

    > For Mercurial I could use a global setting or run hg
    > --config clone
    > which works with bitbucket,
    > their major hosting site using http and not https.

The proxy syntax is not standardized, bzr requires a leading
'http://' in front of the host name. One reason for this is that
you can have:


i.e. use a different protocol than the one used for the
end-to-end communication.

Proxying http through https is a bit silly, but using the simpler
http on an intranet while still using https for encrypting the
end-to-end communication fully makes sense.

    > So if there is something obvious that I and others are 
    > overlooking here, please point us to the 
    > documentation.

Until we understand what is *not* working for you, we can't tell
you what needs to be fixed.

Shooting in the dark I can think of only two possibles causes:

- bzr doesn't recognize your proxy settings due to some
  as-yet-to-be-understood reason,
- your proxy use a protocol that bzr doesn't support.

Both requires more details only available to you so far.


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