Repository problems after bzr svn-import, ghost revisions

John Szakmeister john at
Thu Jan 21 00:54:57 GMT 2010

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:26 AM, Anteru
<newsgroups at> wrote:
>> And, 'bzr check' reports errors (the inconsistent parent issue).  That
>> may not keep the branch from working correctly, but it's certainly
>> disturbing from a user and admin perspective. :-(
> As far as I can tell, bzr reconcile fixed all inconsistent parents without
> problems, but it took some while. Currently, check only shows 20 ghost
> revisions and no errors. Anyway, diff being broken is kinda annoying :/

Yeah, but I submit that bzr-svn either shouldn't leave the branch in
that sort of state (with inconsistent parents), or 'bzr check' should
be modified not to complain about it.  It's off-putting from a user
perspective, and it makes it hard for us to have an automated script
that checks the health of the branches.


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