Repository problems after bzr svn-import, ghost revisions

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Wed Jan 20 23:30:41 GMT 2010

On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 12:36 +0100, Anteru wrote:
> > Just curious, but why would you want to avoid ghost revisions? They're
> > harmless. You shouldn't notice they're there.
> Well, I'm getting errors with them ... The funny thing is, I can commit, but 
> running diff is not working (NoSuchRevision: CHKInventoryRepository (...) 
> has no revision foo.) This happens for some commits (some are working fine.) 
> Some of these missing revisions are ghost revisions. I'm not sure what went 
> wrong here, but it seems that the svn-import has created a somehow broken 
> repository. Is there anything I can do to find out what happened to those 
> missing revisions and why diff keeps looking for them?
> Diff works fine until the first commit in which a local bzr branch was 
> merged before pushing to trunk (which was SVN then.) The first commit on 
> which diff fails references a ghost revision.
I've just submitted a merge proposal that will deal with this issue.


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