Repository problems after bzr svn-import, ghost revisions

Anteru newsgroups at
Wed Jan 20 11:36:37 GMT 2010

> Just curious, but why would you want to avoid ghost revisions? They're
> harmless. You shouldn't notice they're there.
Well, I'm getting errors with them ... The funny thing is, I can commit, but 
running diff is not working (NoSuchRevision: CHKInventoryRepository (...) 
has no revision foo.) This happens for some commits (some are working fine.) 
Some of these missing revisions are ghost revisions. I'm not sure what went 
wrong here, but it seems that the svn-import has created a somehow broken 
repository. Is there anything I can do to find out what happened to those 
missing revisions and why diff keeps looking for them?

Diff works fine until the first commit in which a local bzr branch was 
merged before pushing to trunk (which was SVN then.) The first commit on 
which diff fails references a ghost revision.


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