Migration from SVN

Michael Gliwinski Michael.Gliwinski at henderson-group.com
Mon Jan 18 13:42:56 GMT 2010

On Saturday 16 January 2010 14:09:39 Anteru wrote:
> Hi,
> running into more issues here ;)
> We've done some preliminary testing by hosting the bazaar repository using
> bzr --serve here, which seems to work fine. Small question here: While it's
> possible to create branches from the client side, we couldn't find a way to
> delete branches again? A quick search on the web didn't reveal any way to
> do this, so I guess the admin will have to regularly go and clean the
> repository of abandoned branches using OS tools.

Yip, AFAIK at the moment there's no way to do that (with http only anyways, if 
devs have ssh/sftp access they can just rm -rf the branch dir, or use 

> For the SVN import, we're using svn-import, which seems to work fine for
> us. Unless some can recommend fast-import-*, we're going to stick with
> svn-import.

Didn't use bzr-svn much so won't be able to help you there.

> Looking again at the hosting issue, the docs (http://tinyurl.com/y937xq8)
> indicate that for each repository, a special rule needs to be set up. I.e.
> if we want to have /foo and /bar repositories, we have to manually direct
> /foo to (for instance) /home/bzr/repositories/foo and the same for /bar. Is
> it possible to configure it such that we only provide a single repository
> folder, and /<whatever> simply tries to access the repository at
> /home/bzr/repositories/<whatever>?

This is usually a matter of serving the parent directory of all your 
repos/branches, e.g. if you have:


then just serve /srv/bzr over http.  This is what is described on the 
http_smart_server page.  Is that what you were after?  Am I missing sth?

> Finally, the docs say at the end that it's possible to do authentication
> using https; does someone have a working example of hosting Bazaar
> repositories using authentication via https? Ideally we'd like to find some
> page which compares all the possible ways to serve Bazaar repositories
> together with their advantages/disadvantages ...

Dunno, maybe somebody else will :)

Michael Gliwinski
Henderson Group Information Services
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