bzr push after bzr branch

Barry Warsaw barry at
Fri Jan 15 14:50:29 GMT 2010

One other thing that is a minor but consistent annoyance is the fact that
after you branch, your pull (parent) location is set but not your push
location.  Sure, the push location is set and automatically remembered after
your first push.

I understand the argument that for code branches, the push location is usually
different than the pull location, but at least these days, those kind of
branches are the minority of what I'm working with.  Since I've now mostly
converted all my old homedir and system /etc files from Subversion to Bazaar,
I find myself branching them quite often.  In those cases, the push location
is exactly the parent.

The annoying thing is that my first 'bzr push' will exit and complain, but not
give me any help to resolve the problem.  To proceed, I have to 'bzr info'
then cut and paste the parent location into the second invocation of 'bzr
push'.  That often means leaving the keyboard, a sure sign that some thing is
broken :).

Perhaps there's already a shortcut to tell 'bzr push', hey just push to the
parent location and remember that.  If so, I'm just not finding it.  If not,
there should be!

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