merging %s paths

Ali Sabil ali.sabil at
Fri Jan 15 09:53:26 GMT 2010

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 10:45 AM, David Ingamells
<david.ingamells at> wrote:
> }--o wrote:
>> hi,
>> at our company we have a simple file-structure for projects, something
>> like
>> project
>>  - mymain
>>  - yourmain
>>  - hisbranch
>>  - herbranch
>> ....
>> and we do merging between these branches quite often. bzr merge works
>> fine, but it would be really nice to write bzr merge herbranch to get bzr
>> merge bzr+ssh:://reposerver/repos/herbranch
>> is this possible in some easy way?
>> thanks, V
> on *NIX:
> herbranch=bzr+ssh:://reposerver/repos/herbranch
> bzr merge $herbranch

You can also use the bzr-bookmarks plugin or write your own based on
this template:

from bzrlib.errors import InvalidURL
from bzrlib.directory_service import directories

class BookmarkDirectory(object):

    def look_up(self, name, url):
        if url.startswith('company:'):
            name = url[8:]
            raise InvalidURL(path=url)
        return "" + name

def get_test_permutations():
    return []

directories.register('company:', BookmarkDirectory)

which allows you to do things like bzr merge company:herbranch


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