[RFC] Vanilla checkouts in 2.2

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Jan 12 09:53:08 GMT 2010

On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 04:47 -0500, John Szakmeister wrote:

> > branches have grown since then. I will note though, that if you have a
> > cache of all history, there isn't a *technical* reason why that can't be
> > converted to a local branch... and that the command to do that shouldn't
> > be 'unbind'.
> Maybe 'reconfigure' can help do the conversion?

I was being a little oblique: I was pointing out that our current full
cache is a 'bound branch'. Certainly you could teach 'reconfigure
--branch' on a current heavyweight checkout to do 'unbind' rather than
the no-op that it is today.

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