[ANN] bzr-colo 0.0.1: colocated branches using present technology

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Jan 11 20:37:30 GMT 2010

Neil Martinsen-Burrell пишет:
> On 2010-01-11 03:06 , Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Neil Martinsen-Burrell пишет:
>>> This plugin does not add any new formats or objects to Bazaar, it simply
>>> provides convenience commands for working with a certain *convention*
>>> for branch storage. This plugin provides the following commands
>>> * colo-init
>>> * colo-branch
>>> * colo-branches
>>> * colo-fetch
>>> * colo-clone
>>> * colo-prune
>>> * colo-clean
>>> * colo-ify
>> There is one more command required: to adjust the checkout location if
>> user move the colo branch on the filesystem. Because bzr uses absolute
>> path to master branch it's very necessary.
>> Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/330086
> It's mentioned in the Tutorial under Limitations.  I suggest using ``bzr 
> switch --force`` there.  From the root of the checkout, you can use 
> relative paths ``bzr switch --force ./.bzr/branches/trunk``.

It seems you and Aaron missed my point.

What if I want just update the lightweight checkout reference without switch to trunk?
And my current branch is not trunk?
And I don't remember which branch is current?
And I have ten branches inside .bzr/branches?

How can I know what I should switch --force?

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