Converting Subversion checkouts (not repositories) to Bazaar

Barry Warsaw barry at
Tue Jan 5 22:33:41 GMT 2010

On Jan 04, 2010, at 08:54 AM, Forest Bond wrote:

>bzr branch your home diretory branch into a fresh empty directory and then
>moving the .bzr directory into your actual home directory.  I also version my
>home directory and that's how I handle it.

This worked, thanks for the tip.  It was a bit of work getting everything
converted because of all the subdirectories and all the .svn directories
floating around (more on that later).  I think I now have an existing desktop
converted and working but I'm somewhat dreading updating all my other
desktops.  We'll see if the subsequent ones go more smoothly.

And I finally found a use for --use-existing-dir.  On a fresh desktop, my
initial checkout is something like:

% cd
% bzr branch bzr+ssh://.../repos/base . --use-existing-dir

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