Converting Subversion checkouts (not repositories) to Bazaar

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Jan 4 19:09:55 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1

> I tried bzr branch --use-existing-dir, but that did not seem to make any
> difference.  I probably don't understand what --u-e-d is supposed to do.

Well, it probably allows you to branch at all, as the default behavior
is to not allow an existing target dir.

> It would actually be way cool if a directory could live under svn and bzr
> simultaneously, though that might be brain exploding.  Alternatively, I just
> want a bzr branch to "overlay" on an existing directory, such that it would
> check the contents (or hash) of the file before it conflicted them or diverted
> them.  Maybe that's what --u-e-d is supposed to do if I used it correctly.

Do you know if this did/didn't happen? I could see where it may be
confused by dirs. I thought it already did check to see if the contents
were identical. Though I may be just remembering a wishlist bug that
requested exactly this.

> My conversion has stalled because of this, and I would be grateful for any
> advice on how best to proceed.

As mentioned, check out into a different dir and mv .bzr is one way to
go. And there shouldn't be a problem having both svn and bzr there. Just
make sure you have "bzr ignore .svn". And 'svn ignore .bzr' or whatever
the equivalent is.

> Thanks and happy new year!
> -Barry
> [1] Use case: on my home desktops I often check out everything, but if I've
> got a login on a remote machine, I need only check out .../base to get my
> minimal comfortable environment.

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