Make plugins more accessible...

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Mon Jan 4 22:05:27 GMT 2010

John Szakmeister wrote:
> One constant irritant I have is that I always have to hunt for the
> download page for the plugins.  Is there a way to make the link to the
> plugins page more prominent?

It's in the footer of the home page under "Extras". It's also available
from the "Extras" page in the header of the home page. What did you have
in mind?

FWIW, I'd like to make the Plugins Guide
( more and more useful and rework
the plugins registry ( to be
just an index into that, rather than separately maintained. I'd also
like to extend qplugins to make it easier to install plugins directly
from there, using the metadata under the Plugins Guide. One day ...

Ian C.

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