Best/right workflow for 'solo' use, with a remote site?

David Strauss david at
Mon Jan 4 13:29:10 GMT 2010

On 2010-01-04 10:38, Joke de Buhr wrote:
> In your current situation it would probably the best to create an empty bzr 
> repository and import all the remote files you need. Maintaining repositories 
> on two boxes is very easy if you use bazaar checkouts. That's much like svn.

Agreed. There's no reason for you to abandon a centralized workflow if
it works for you. You still gain several advantages with Bazaar. Namely,
you can work disconnected and still access history, make local commits,
have good performance over slow connections, and have less work
maintaining the central branch (than you would with Subversion).

You can always explore more distributed workflows at your leisure once
you're more comfortable with Bazaar.

David Strauss
   | david at
Four Kitchens
   | +1 512 454 6659 [office]
   | +1 512 870 8453 [direct]

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