Are there plugins available for Atlassian Fisheye or Atlassian Jira?

Tom Widmer tom.widmer at
Wed Dec 16 17:17:10 GMT 2009

Eric B. wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a long time CVS user and am looking for a better solution.  We have been 
> using CVS for close to 10 years now, and our codebase has been pretty long 
> since built on CVS.  However, CVS has recently really been starting to show 
> its age with lack of support for several key needs.
> I found Bazaar while combing through different solutions, and from the docs 
> that I have read, it sounds extremely interesting and promising.  However, 
> one thing that is a little unclear for me is if anyone has successfully 
> managed to make a Jira and/or Fisheye plugin for it.
> I found a couple of threads that related to this from last year, but 
> couldn't find anything recent about it.  From Atlassian's site, they are 
> both open issues seemingly as things that they would like to do, but don't 
> particularly find a priority.
> Has anyone in the Bazaar community had any success with plugins for either / 
> both?  Are there any plans for Bazaar to create the necessary plugins since 
> Atlassian seems a little reticent about it?

Obviously, in case you aren't aware of them, there are alternatives to 
Fisheye, such as Loggerhead. See


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