please explain the hg plugin

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Tue Dec 15 23:31:45 GMT 2009

Le mercredi 16 décembre 2009 à 00:52 +0200, Alexander Belchenko a
écrit : 
> Tim Michelsen пишет:
> >>> my question has remained unanswered.
> >> Please provide some context :-) What was your question exactly?
> > my question is:
> > how do I import
> >
> > 
> > into bzr?
> Try this command:
> bzr branch spyderlib

Unfortunately this doesn't actually appear to work. We have a similar
problem with bzr-hg against Google code as we have for bzr-svn: Google
will return an error 405 when bzr attempts to access .bzr/branch-format.

We can do the same work around as we did for bzr-svn by probing for hg
repositories before probing for bzr branches, but that's suboptimal.
I'll see if I can contact the Google Code folks about this issue...



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