
Gordon Tyler gordon at doxxx.net
Mon Dec 14 15:02:06 GMT 2009

On 14/12/2009 9:19 AM, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>> "Gordon" == Gordon Tyler <gordon at doxxx.net> writes:
>     Gordon> What if the developer branches from the 2.0 series, fixes the bug,
>     Gordon> tests, unit-tests and the proposes for merge into 2.0?
> That's what I call 'fixing in 2.0 from the start': you begin with
> a branch that will be cleanly mergeable to the stable branch.

Would you say that should be the preferred way of fixing bugs reported
on 2.0 versions?

> Installers are built for all betas releases, the only releases
> that are not easily available to windows and OSX users are those
> in the nightly ppa.

Ah, so the ppa is more of a nightly build sort of thing. Yeah, I guess
people who use the binary installers are probably not too concerned with
getting nightly builds.


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