Conflicts in removed files

David Strauss david at
Fri Dec 11 20:56:46 GMT 2009

On 2009-12-11 20:35, Algis Kabaila wrote:
> I apologise for what seems picking on spelling, as it is not - I am genuinely 
> concerned with what you report, as I had very little experience in bazaar.  In 
> svn I found that deletion of files outside of version control led to chaos.  
> What you describe here under bzr seems to be worse than svn. 

I think you may be misinterpreting the scope of this problem. The
problem is that (1) deletion in one branch and (2) a change to the same
file in another *must* cause a conflict, and that's a nuisance for
certain workflows. It is not a general-purpose problem with the deletion
behavior in Bazaar.

If you delete a file without using Bazaar's own command, Bazaar will
simply notice and assume you deleted the file. It's quite streamlined,

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