you can help triage bzr bugs

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Fri Dec 4 00:57:13 GMT 2009

Martin Pool writes:

 > I've never heard anyone else hold this position, so I think you need
 > to write it.

My position is the contrapositive of Ben's: if you require me to jump
through stupid hoops[1] without a signed contract, you can expect me
to minimize my effort.  In particular, *all* of my password-based web
logins *except* my Google Open ID are moving to share a single,
reasonably obscure password, which gets changed at regular intervals
(ie, on Jan 1, xyz0: almost time for a new password!)

Feel free to destroy my Launchpad account if you feel that's too
insecure.  But you probably ought to nuke the whole lot if you do

[1]  They were not *entirely* stupid until the advent of Open ID ....

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